Best Heartfelt Children Leaving Home Poems

When children leaves home mother goes through very critical emotional situation. She is not ready to accept the fact that her children are going away from her. For a mother children is her whole world. She can't imagine her world without children. For child also leaving home is not easy. Child also goes through very complex emotional condition. We should understand that for better future child has to learn so many things (which he/she can't learn at home ) for becoming successful in life

These Heartfelt Children Leaving Home Poems expresses the feelings of child, mother when child is leaving home and entering into outside world. Mother can't leave child from her mind till end of her life because it is integral part of her. By the time she tries to suppress her emotions and  tries to accept the fact but she always care about her children, she always want her children.

Best Heartfelt Children Leaving Home Poems

Home to Hostel
A little tensed, sitting on a desk, thinking of another phase..
Slowly realizing I had to leave my loved one’s place…
And still will not have to express my sad face…..
For nobody can ever take up my  family's special space..
Realizing that I was at my comfort getting every treasure
The wishes were fulfilled without even saying, for my pleasure
Lots of support, selfless love were showered to relieve me from pressure..
It is paining to leave! It’s acting as a depressor..
Mind and heart are fighting!
To mind learning and growing seem exciting!
But to the heart– at that little corner…while writing!
A sound which says- “You are gonna miss this place a lot” is shouting….
The place which you call your home!
And you get care of your father and love of mom..
But some inner voice then says be strong; you have to move on!
And again, in the battle of mind and heart, the former had won!

Empty Nest

My last child left out on her own; the time has finally come.
I never thought I’d be alone since first I was a mom.
Odd stockings on the carpet are strewn about no more.
The coats are neatly hung on pegs and no one slams the door.
The banister the lads would slide is now collecting dust.
The bicycles they used to ride are overcome by rust.
There’s always some left over when I make a pot of stew.
And morning’s so much simpler with no queue to use the loo!
The house that was so busy is quiet for a change.
Without the children’s laughter, I find it very strange.
I’m told I’ll learn to like it, but I think they are wrong.
I cannot wait until the day grandchildren come along!

Letting Go

When I think about my lifetime,
and the stages I’ve gone through,
nothing else seems more important,
than the time I spent with you.
From the instant I first held you,
till the day you moved away,
I have captured every moment,
every hour of every day.
All the laughter, all the struggles,
all the closeness, all the tears,
served to form a bond between us,
which grows stronger through the years.
And although our lives are busy,
I just wanted you to know,
that my heart will always hold you,
though my arms have let you go.

A New Chapter of Life

We look at you and wonder, “Where have the years all gone?”
What happened to our yesterdays? It hasn’t been that long…
since you were learning how to ride a bike and how to catch a ball.
When did you get so confident? How did you grow so tall?
We look at you and wonder at how the years [went] by.
Who showed you how to find your wings? Who taught you how to fly?
You stand before us on this day prepared to step into,
a special chapter of your life written just for you.
We look at you and wonder… And then we realize,
the time has come to see you through a different kind of eyes.
The one that you’ve grown into is a gift beyond the best.
So we tell you that we love you and we count ourselves…
truly BLESSED.

An Empty Nest Poem

After the kids have gone away, I think I’ll organize my day,
around things waiting to be done, like painting rooms and planting mums,
arranging pictures in albums.
I’ll have the time to hang a drape (instead of driving to the Cape),
time to sit and think  and read, not entertaining every need,
and worrying if they’ll succeed.
When into life the kids have gone, I’ll finally have a decent lawn.
I’ll have a house to call my own, with knick-knacks made of glass that’s blown
(not art class crafts that they brought home),
a fridge filled full of Camembert, and petit-fours for my dessert.
Romantic nights out on the deck, with laughter, wine, and no regret
(or curfew-breaking hours to check).
After the kids are on their own, I won’t be feeling that alone.
Farewell to petty arguments, tantrums, calls to armaments,
guilt and blame and recompense.
Goodbye to wrenching, nagging doubt. Perfection I can do without.
I’ll lay me down in tender grass, and wait for endless days to pass,
enjoying quiet rest at last.
The kids will go and leave me here, this chapter closed I hold so dear.
My empty life won’t be that bare; I’ll hang our memories everywhere.

My Beautiful College Girl

Love’s force swells my heart until it feels tender and bruised.
I look at my daughter and see myself reflected in her face.
My bones, my flesh, and blood run through her.
She loves me deeply, but she does not know the longing of a mother’s heart,
the fierceness of this kind of love, the fears.
She will not know until she hears that wailing first cry of life borne from her own womb.
I watch her meander towards the gateway,
where she nonchalantly steps in and out of childhood,
and in and out of my life. My arms long to pull her back.
She leaves again, stepping through, then rushing away,
carrying my heart, and each time, my silent tears flow heavy with nostalgia.
My soul’s consolation is the fresh view of the world that I see through her eyes,
and the feel of my blood pounding through her veins as she picks up her pace.
I watch her and can taste my youth, but it is only a taste,
for I cannot follow her there. It is her path to run.
It is the most bittersweet thing I know,
this feeling of letting go.

When Your Child Leaves for College

We set out a long time ago.
Years stretched before us, like a vast land,
with pathways and hills to explore.
We journeyed. But much too soon,
we are nearing the shore of the sea.
And my heart is heavy.
For you will embark on a ship,
that will carry you to a country,
I cannot see in my dreams.
Sure-footed, you will step aboard,
and maybe glance backward once.
I shall remain on the shore,
sand flowing through my empty hands.

A Daughter Leaving Home

Although she is moving out
She'll never be far away
She'll always live here with me
In my heart each day

Hopefully I taught her
The right things along the way
To help her make the right decisions
Each and every day

The most important thing
That she should know
That if things don't work out
She always has a place to go

Though she no longer lives here
This will always be her home
The warm and kindest place
Her heart has ever known

A place where the welcome mat
Is always put out
A place that she can run to
When she's filled with doubt

It's so very hard to let her go
But I know that I must
I have so much faith in her
And a world of trust

I know she's smart enough
To make it on her own
It's hard to admit
My little girl has finally grown

I hope she knows in her heart
Just how much I care
Because every time she needed me
I always tried to be there

I hope she knows if life gets tough
And she should need a friend
That she can always count on me
Until the very end

It's never very easy
Watching someone you love leave
I know that I must be strong
But silently I'll grieve

Someone who's been around
Morning, noon and night
No longer having her here
Just will not seem right

But she knows I love her
With all of my heart
And it's that love
That will never let us part

The Packing of a Suitcase

You stood in your bedroom clutching your Paddington Bear suitcase With tears in your eyes you said you’re leaving home You’d packed your toy cars and brightly coloured Lego bricks Don’t forget your favourite bear I said with a smile Please don’t leave me son … It’s not easy being three!

Running Away

Packing bags and leaving home
Running into the darkness of night like a criminal No destination Just an escape into freedom from the nightmare Just feeling the sunlight’s breath on my cheek freely A winds whisper touching my ears Running away from dreams and wishes Setting an adventure of a lifetime Running away from the past where horror lies Running away from lullabies and thunder Forgetting everything for awhile And sit down and breathe in and out for awhile Smelling the freshness of life that will no longer exist

Mother's Hug

Leaving home To pursue a life She bursted into tears Like a detonated time bomb And I felt I could split half She drew me close Her arms swallowed mine It was a meaningful pose The only reason of her fine THE HUG Words escaped her But the messages were clear From the bossom of her hug 'God loves you As I do too Let this be your shelter Further and farther Remember me always In all your ways Warm, wet , dry and cold From my heart of gold Achieve everything I'll miss you' I melted feet cold I secured warmth From the tea mug For her assurance another hug To ground her faith. Her hands searched mine to hold As I must go. THE HUG AGAIN...

Daughter Leaving Home
When I taught you
at eight to ride
a bicycle, loping along
beside you
as you wobbled away
on two round wheels,
my own mouth rounding
in surprise when you pulled
ahead down the curved
path of the park,
I kept waiting
for the thud
of your crash as I
sprinted to catch up,
while you grew
smaller, more breakable
with distance,
pumping, pumping
for your life, screaming
with laughter,
the hair flapping
behind you like a
handkerchief waving


Q. How do I accept my child leaving home?

A. You can adapt situation by doing following things:
  • Make social connections.
  • Seek professional help.
  • Set goals for the future.
  • Take up a new hobby or career.
  • Reconnect with your partner.
  • Practice self-care.
  • Focus on the positives.
  • Keep in touch with your children.

Q. What do you say when your son moves out?

A. you can say when your son moves out like:
  • People are basically good.
  • There is no finish line in life.
  • Be charitable in word and deed.
  • Keep yourself open to new things.
  • Choose your partner wisely.

Q. How do you deal with a child leaving?

A. You can do following things when your child is leaving:
  • Focus on your needs.
  • Rekindle your relationship.
  • Develop new hobbies, learning and indulge in some self-care.
  • Spend some time in volunteering or seek out a new community.
  • Prioritize quality family time.

Q. How do you say goodbye to home?

A. You can do following things to say goodbye to home:
  • Take lots of photos and video clips.
  • Arrange a Party to say goodbye to your old house.
  • Leave a piece of you behind.
  • Say Goodbye to each room.
  • Take something from your home with you when you leave.

Q. How do I leave my child for the first time?

A.   You can prepare yourself  to leave your 
child for the first time in following way:
  • Give your child opportunities to spend time with other people alone while you are there.
  • Practice saying goodbye.
  • Stock up on your child's favorite things.
  • Tell your child they can talk to you on phone.

Q. What does a parent leaving do to a child?

A. For both parents and children, separation leads to increased risks of depression, difficulty with social functioning, attachment issues, and PTSD.

Q. What can I write to my son living away from home?

A. You can write to your son living away from home:
  • Be true to yourself always.
  • Live your own dreams.
  • Don't take life so seriously.
  • Love and accept yourself unconditionally.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks.
  • Find your soulmate.
  • Know that I love you and will always be there with you.
  • Live your own dreams.
  • Don't take life so seriously.
  • Love and accept yourself unconditionally.
  • Don't be afraid to take risks.
  • Find your soulmate.
  • Know that I love you and will always be there with you.

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