Best Heartfelt Missing Home Quotes For Students


When children leave home  for study, job, or any reason they go through very critical emotional situation. They are not ready to accept the fact that they are going away from their home. For children their whole world is home. They  can't imagine their world without home. For a child leaving home is not easy.  For better future child has to learn so many things (which he/she can't learn at home) for becoming successful in life. 

These Best Heartfelt Missing Home Quotes For Students expresses the feelings of child when he/she leaves home and enters into outside world. These quotes also ensures child that wherever you live in hostel ,there is a holy place like heaven always waiting for you and it's your  home. By the time child tries to suppress emotions and  tries to accept the fact but he/she is always attracted towards home.

Best Heartfelt Missing Home Quotes For Students

 Heartfelt Missing Home Quotes For     Students:

  • “ The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there.

  • “ Your heart can never leave home.

  • “ We can’t really appreciate home until we leave it.

  • “ It matters less to a person where they are born than where they can live.

  • “ Home is the place where we are treated the best but grumble the most.

  • “ Home is four walls that enclose the right person.

  • “ Home is not where you live but where they understand you.

  • “ Good food and a warm kitchen are what make a house a home.

  • “ You can never go home again, but the truth is you can never leave home, so it’s all right.

  • “ If you know you’re going home, the journey is never too hard.

  • “ A home is a place you love until the end.

 Missing Home Quotes For Hostel     Students:

  • “ Home sweet home. This is the place to find happiness. If one doesn’t find it here, one doesn’t find it anywhere.

  • “ Home is a feeling of love and peace.

  • “ It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.

  • “ Home is not where you live but where they understand you.

  • “ A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and warmth.

  • “ We don’t call it homesick. We call it missing home. There’s not a sickness involved, it’s a state of mind.

  • “ Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable.

  Emotional Missing Home Quotes:

  • “ A home is a place you grow up wanting to leave and grow old wanting to get back to.

  • “ Home is not a place it’s a feeling.

  • “ Leaving home always means leaving with your feet, never with your heart.

  • “ The ache for home lives in all of us. the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

  • “ There is no shame in feeling homesick, it means you come from a happy home.

  • “ When you feel homesick,’ he said, just lookup. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.

  • “ Home is a word that resonates deeply. For many people, it evokes family, childhood, and some of their most vivid memories. It is a word that brings comfort to the soul, that names a place we want to return to, that makes us feel safe, loved, and nurtured.

  • “ Lord, wouldn’t you give me the strength to make it through somehow. I have never been more homesick than now.

  • “ If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home.

  •  He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

  •  You could walk out of the house, but you always returned home.

  • “ Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.

  • “ The only lord can help a homesick person.

  Miss My Home Quotes:

  •  If you want to conquer fear, don’t sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.

  •   It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, even smells the same. You realized what’s changed is you.

  • “ We are homesick for places, we are reminded of places, it is the sounds and smells and sights of places which haunt us and against which we often measure our present.

  • “ He feels safer just knowing that even if he’s away there is a home waiting for him to return.

  • “ If your life’s at a juncture and you need to think about things, there’s nowhere better than home. However old you are.

  • “ Homesickness is a sickness of the heart, not of the mind. It is deeply subjective and belongs, inarguably, to the sufferer alone.

  • “ There is something special about home-cooked food that no restaurant can compete.

  • “ I miss home-cooked food because it is the best food in the entire world.

  • The secret ingredient in home-cooked food is mom’s love.

  • I might have more freedom in my hostel, but I still miss my home.

  • Living with your friends in a hostel is fun, but sometimes you just need a break because you miss home.

  • A hostel can be as good as a five-star hotel, but it still can’t replace the comforting feeling that you get when you go to your home.

  • I miss the days in middle school when I was at Home. I miss the warm milk and fruits my mom would bring into my room.

  • What makes me miss my home the most is my mother and her unconditional love for me.

  • To every college student out there who’s living in a hostel and misses his Home, hang on there, you’ll get back home one day.

  • Hostel life makes you homesick. A college student always misses his Home during his college life.

  • Studies in college are hard, but it is harder to deal with homesickness in college, especially if you are living in a hostel.

  • I think I really had to leave my Home in order to really miss it. Now I know it’s important.

  • I miss the comforting feeling that a home has to it. When you are at your Home, you know that you are safe and loved.

  • I’m homesick because I have the thought of going back to Home at least 100 times a day.

  • Being homesick really sucks if you know that you can’t go home anytime soon.

  • There’s no better way to spend your office holidays other than going back home.

  • Homesickness is when you feel something missing inside of you. It is not a feeling that is felt by the brain, but it is a genuine feeling that comes from the heart.

  • Homesickness can’t be just defined as missing your Home. It is more than that; it is missing the arms and warmth of love that surround you and hug you when you get home.

  • I miss home-cooked food. I miss the aroma that would cover the whole house while it was being cooked.

  Homesick Quotes:

  • I miss running to the kitchen and asking my mom what she is cooking because the house was filled with the delightful aroma of the food.

  • I miss home food because it was cooked with love and care.

  • Lentils which are cooked at Home are better than chicken cooked in a restaurant.

  • Being away from Home teaches you a lot because you will miss your home-cooked food even if you are at your favorite restaurant.

  • I miss my home, but not my parents scolding me for no reason.

  • My relationship with my Home is like Tom and Jerry. Without one, the other is incomplete.

  • I miss my home so much that I would even walk miles to go back to my home.

  • A mom will just eyeball all the spices and ingredients in a dish, and it would still taste good. That’s when you know that no one can cook better than moms.

  • It is not that the food in restaurants doesn’t taste good. I just miss the love, care, and effort my mom would put into food while she cooked it.

 'Home Quotes' That Will Make You   Miss Home:

  • There’s something special about home-cooked food because you’ll miss it even if you are at your favorite restaurant.

  • “ Your feelings for your Home are mixed, sometimes you have bitter feelings for it, and sometimes you have sweet feelings for it.
  • Only a student living in a hostel knows the true worth of living in your Home with your parents and having your own room.

  • My feet might have left my Home for college, but my heart has always been at Home.

  • What keeps me motivated in college to do better is the thought that one day I’ll return to my Home that I miss so much.

  • My feelings towards my Home are like my relationship with my siblings. It is a sweet and bitter situation.

  • I would give my kidney to my sibling if he needs it, but I won’t give him my phone charger.

  • “ My Home might not have the best and most expensive furniture, but it is still comfier than any five-star hotel out there. At least to me, it is.

  • Loving is a bittersweet feeling; this is why I love my home.

  • Life is better and more fun when you are at home with your family.

  • Being with your family at Home with warm food is actually a blessing.

  • Family and Home are two blessings which are underrated.

  • If you want to understand the importance of family, ask an orphan. If you want to understand the importance of Home, ask a homeless person.

  • We must look for goodness in the city in which God has placed us.

  • No matter where God sends us, we must look for welfare in it.

  • It doesn’t matter if you are at home or away, always remember God.

  • Peace and comfort are not confined to a place; it comes from the remembrance of God.

  • When worries of Life bring anxiety and stress, turn to God, and he will surely bestow you with peace of heart and mind.

Q.   How do I overcome hostel life?

A.   Tips to overcome hostel life:
  • Make Friends with the Hostel Staff.
  • Take the Stairs.
  • Find a Washing Buddy.
  • Keep Watch Over the Free Food Shelf.
  • Get Creative.
  • Plan Ahead.

Q.   What are the challenges of hostel life?

A.  Challenges of hostel life are:
  •  Lack of privacy: Hostels are frequently crowded and noisy, making it challenging for  for study or relaxation.
  •  Lack of independence: A student's independence may be compromised by the intense rule and regulations of hostels.

Q.   Why is hostel life difficult?

A.  While living in a hostel gives you independence and freedom, but many have emotional difficulties, you might have to cope with the stress of being alone.

Q.   How is hostel life?

A.  Hostels offer facilities such as: fully-equipped shared kitchens, dining areas, laundry rooms, social gathering spaces, etc. Hostel often hosts parties and organizes tours around the area.

Q.   What to do if you miss your family in hostel?

A.   Ways to help you with homesickness in the hostel:
  • Eye on the Purpose. Achieving something extraordinary requires treading new territories, and that is why you're here.
  • Making new Friends.
  • Upgrade into your best version.
  • Endorphins to the Rescue.
  • Journal your way to a Healthy Lifestyle.
  • Just pick up the phone!

Q.   Is hostel life good for girl?

A.   The big advantage of staying in a hostel is that you learn to be independent and manage your every work without depending on anyone anymore. In hostel life you are exposed to a situation where you have to handle everything by yourself and it turns out to be the best part of life.

Q.   How do hostels deal with loneliness?

A.   For a start, stop hiding in your room / on your bunk / behind your phone. Of course, it's not easy to put yourself out there when you're already feeling lonely, but it's one of those things that you're just going to have to do. You'll thank yourself for it later.

Q.   How not to miss your parents in hostel?

A.   Things you can do to not to miss your parents in hostel:
  • Remind yourself the motive of staying away from home
  • Talk to your parents or warden about your feeling
  • Make new friends and explore yourself
  • Get rid of the dependency on others

Q.   Why do international students feel lonely in hostel?

A.   International students have several risk factors for loneliness like:
  • Being away from loved ones.
  • Novelty (finding yourself in a new situation).
  • Not having knowing peoples in the new place.
  • Not understanding social codes and norms.

Q.   How to be social at hostels?

A. Things you can do to be social at hostels are:
  • Say Hello To Your Hostel Roommates.
  • Ask For Recommendations.
  • Ask People If Anybody Wants To Join You On A Walk/Dinner.
  • Join Organized Hostel Activities.
  • Hang Out In The Communal Area.
  • Look approachable, and don't be on your computer.

Q.   What to do if you miss your mom in a hostel?

A.   It is very normal to miss your loved ones when you are away from them. Just call your mom and share your worries with her. After talking with your mom you will feel much better. 

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