Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Dnyaneshwari is the oldest literary work in the Marathi language. It is the translation of the Bhagavad Gita in Marathi, composed by Dnyaneshwar Maharaj (born 1275–1296 AD). Dnyaneshwari was written 700 years ago by Dnyaneshwar Maharaj when he was just 16 years old. Dnyaneshwar lived a short life of 22 years, and this commentary is notable for having been composed in his teens.

Dnyaneshwari brings Vedanta and other spiritual philosophies to the common man. It explains the various paths for spiritual progress and the ultimate liberation of people. Judging by their writings, Sant Dnyaneshwar leads a hard life. In 1296 AD, Dnyaneshwara walked into a stone-walled room in Alandi, near Pune. He had closed it and passed away in samadhi (a state of spiritual liberation). That stone-walled room in Alandi has not been opened since then. None of his siblings (Nivruttinath, Sopan, and Muktabai) were to enjoy a long worldly life either, and they passed away within months of Dnyaneshwar's samadhi.

These quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar explain the meaning of life, the importance of a calm mind, and how to live a peaceful life even with difficulties.

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar: 

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has a pure mind sees the divine in everything.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of divine union.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  A person with a steadfast mind takes care of his mind and does not allow it to go near sense objects.𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Knowledge is manifested where it occurs. He whose commands are respected by the mind is the Knowledge personified.”𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has faith in the divine has nothing to fear.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Wisdom is that, by which all troublesome activities melt away.”𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Dnyaneshwari Teachings:

  • “  He, who does not jump in the floods, need not be afraid of being drowned. He, who observes the rules of health, will remain healthy. Similarly, he, who on all occasions of activity and non-activity will not entertain the sense of "I" (Ahankar), need have no fear in this world. Thus when the sense of unity has dawned and when everybody else appears as part of self, how can the feeling of fear arise?” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  When salt is put in the water, it becomes water. So with unity, there remains no animosity.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Dnyaneshwari Quotes:
  • “  The true mark of purity of intelligence is, that the mind is directed toward the true form (of Self) and intelligence has no other purpose except this.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Senses according to their nature, may run towards objects that satisfy them, but almost simultaneously there is the realization that the experience is not different from what he (the Self-realized person) himself is – just as when the sight meets the mirror, almost simultaneously there is the realization that the image therein is not different from the face.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The words that could describe the noumenal state have not been created, nor is the sight born which could perceive that state… That state is not such that it could be within the grasp of thought and words.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Those who try to cross Maya or illusion on the strength of their intellect get lost, Those who try to cross using knowledge are swallowed by pride, Those who take the help of the books are consumed by ego and arrogance, Those who perform ritualistic actions get caught in issues of right or wrong, Those who use youthful strength get consumed by lust, Those who perform external yajnas are caught in the web of desire and ambition. The ideal path to cross over Maya or illusion is of spiritual devotion. Alertness is required to avoid the pitfalls of ego and desire.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has faith in the divine has nothing to worry about.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  If there is a pot, a pot is perceived. And if the pot is broken, its brokenness is perceived; If there is no pot at all, Is not its absence perceived as well?”𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of self-realization.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true knowledge is the knowledge of the divine.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true devotion is the devotion of the soul.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  •  “  The one who has loved in his heart is always in a state of bliss.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who serves others with love finds true fulfillment.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true liberation is the liberation of the soul.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who seeks the divine with a pure heart finds true peace.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Sant Dnyaneshwar Life Quotes:
  •  “  Like the tree which gives the leaves, the flowers, the shade, the fruits, and the roots without distinction; give to the needy with a cheerful heart. This is true charity.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who is free from attachment is free from all sorrows.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true beauty is the beauty of the soul.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of love, surrender, and selflessness.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who is humble and serves others is truly great.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Sant Dnyaneshwar Quotes, Teachings:

  • “  The one who is always in the company of the holy is always blessed.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true devotion is the devotion of the mind and heart.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who surrenders everything to the divine finds true peace.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true wealth is the wealth of spiritual knowledge.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true guru is the one who leads you to the divine.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of self-surrender.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has conquered the mind has conquered the world.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true devotion is the devotion of love and devotion to the divine.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true knowledge is the knowledge of the self.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of self-discovery.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has loved in his heart is always in a state of joy.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  •  “ The first hurdle is the misconception that one has to renounce the world and be a Sanyasi to take up the spiritual path. The Gita teaches us otherwise and considers Sanyas as unnecessary.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true liberation lies in the realization of the divine within.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has a pure heart sees the divine in everyone.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true devotion is the devotion of the mind, speech, and action.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who serves others with love finds true happiness.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of detachment from worldly desires.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who has the divine as his companion is never alone.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The true guru is the one who removes the darkness of ignorance.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Inspiring Quotes by Dnyaneshwar Mauli:

  • “  The path of devotion is the path of divine grace and compassion.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The one who is free from ego is free from all limitations.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ True devotion is the devotion of the mind, heart, and soul.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  To perform one’s duties properly is in itself the highest offering. Those who pursue this path are not touched by sin. It is only when one’s duties are neglected and one is inclined to do erroneous acts that one is caught in the cycle of life and death.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Whatever is born perishes and is later born again. This wheel of life and death has been going on perpetually from time immemorial like the cycle of sunrise and sunset. At the time of the big deluge these three worlds also get destroyed. Therefore beginning and end are inevitable.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Before birth creatures have no form. They acquire it after birth. When they die they certainly will not reach another state but only the previous. The form you see between the birth and the death is the projection (an illusive image) of Brahman due to the influence of Maya.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  All creatures acquire a form due to the effect of Maya, therefore why should you shed tears over something that does not exist in the first place? Instead, you should think about the eternal Soul (Atman).” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Those who develop a love for this Soul (Atman) are not influenced by sense objects. They become detached and dispassionate and live a hermit's life. With the Atman as their goal, they observe constraints like celibacy and penance.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Many have attained a state of steadiness of mind and by concentrating on that pure Self, have lost all thoughts about the material world. Many have developed detachment and become constantly engrossed with it (i.e. the Self) while singing its praises. Some have left their "I am the body" feeling while some have become one with it (The Self). Just as the river flow merging into the ocean does not revert, similarly superior yogis, once their intellect merges with the Soul become one with it and they are not reborn.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  One can attain Me only when he gives up all thoughts about how great and scholarly he is and becomes humble.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Therefore one must give up the love of the material body, consciousness about his qualities, and pride about his possessions and surrender himself completely to Me.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The all-pervading Brahman exists within everybody. It cannot be destroyed even if you want to. It is the cause of the birth and death of every creature therefore why should you feel sorry?” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  In each age since ancient times, I have imposed on Myself the obligation of protecting truth (Dharma). When sin destroys truth, I forget my formlessness and take birth.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  He is truly free, who recognizes that though I have no birth, I am born; though I have no actions, I am active. In the human form, he is still free from the body and when the body dies, he joins Me.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

Dnyaneshwari Quotes:

  • “ A person in whom steadfastness occurs is the life of Knowledge. Even though the natural actions of his body go on externally his mind remains undisturbed internally. His mind does not get discouraged by calamities. He is not tortured by poverty or pain nor does he tremble from fear and sorrow. And he is not frightened even by the approach of death. His straightforward mind does not waver even under pressure from hope or pain or by the rumblings of various diseases. His mind does not waver when he has to face slander, insult, punishment, desire, and greed. Arjuna, this state is what is called steadfastness and whosoever has it ingrained in him is the treasure cove of Knowledge.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  Those seekers who worship Me with whatever rituals and have surrendered themselves to Me, attain Me. Arjuna, no other method will make a seeker attain Me unless he totally surrenders to Me.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ where should I be born, In which caste and religion?, How parents should be, It was out of my hands, So instead of complaining about it. I have the abilities that nature has given me. Using a positive way can definitely make my life happy.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ Should I be a woman or a man? black or white? all my body organs fine or not?. This is out of my hands. But taking care of what I have got, It is up to me to take proper care.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ I did not create this universe. Or how this world should be, My opinion is worthless. So, why is this? , why is that so? why not so? Instead of asking endless questions, At least what is wrong, or unfair, I can decide that I won't, though. This is not a little bit!” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ Even today, success, happiness, and prosperity roll at my feet, Either today or tomorrow may never. Constantly aware of the possibility of destruction. I must keep the ego away.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

Best Quotes from Dnyaneshwari by Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ People around me, People who come in contact with me, It is not up to me to decide how they treat me, However, it is definitely up to me to treat them lovingly. Patience, soft language, and good wishes are in my hands.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ Events in my life, Circumstances, I often have no control over. But at that time positive thinking and the right behavior, of course, I have it.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “ Foolish people in the presence of wise people without acquiring knowledge from them, They look for evil in them.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

  • “  The performance of one’s duty is in itself the highest sacrifice (yajna) and the man who is devoted to such sacrifice is free from all bonds.” 𑁋Sant Dnyaneshwar

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